Question What is software and how many types ?
Ans: At present we are dealing with various Smart Phones, Laptops and Desktop PCs. For this we are using different types of software and applications every day. As a result, we each have a general idea about software.Friends, when asked about the technical definition of software, we do not have any answer. Because, technically what is a software and its correct definition, many of you may not know.So technically what is a software or what are the different types of software.
Below are all the Software Development services we offer:
* Inventory Mangment SOftware
* Ecommerce Managment SOftware
* Android Application
* Medical Managment
* Diagnostic Managment
* Courier Managment
* Restaurant Managment etc.
To avail all the above services you can avail the service from the following plan price or buy some sample products made by us from the above menu bar.
Shop Management
- Inventory management
- POS print
- Stock managers
- Online software
- Easy to use
Courier management
- Courier management
- Merchant sign-up and pick-up request
- SMS notification
- Online software
- Easy to use
Diagnostic Managment
- Patient Test Report
- Lab Technician Panel
- User Panel
- Reciptionist Panel
- Inventory Managment
Resturant Management
- Customer Bill Report
- Kitchen Staff Panel
- User Panel
- Cashier Panel
- Inventory Managment